Home > D. G. > Decomposed Granite For Sale > Desert Rose Decomposed Granite

Desert Rose Decomposed Granite

This is one of the highest quality decomposed granite materials in California.
Decomposed Granite and crushed stone products are commonly used for decorative walkways, patio & outdoor living areas, planter beds, light duty driveways, water wise landscaping, dog runs and other applications. Whether for driveways, pathways, patios, utility landscape areas or to surround trees, crushed stone or decomposed granite can be a versatile material that prevents weed growth, maintain even soil moisture and makes an outdoor space more appealing.
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Desert Pink Decomposed Granite 3/8" Minus Desert Rose D.G. 3/8" Minus Per Ton RockSack

Northern Arizona quarry shipping bulk through Southern and Central California, supersacks shipped anywhere.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $239.99 Northern Arizona Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $174.99
Savings: $65.00
Desert Rose D. G. 3/8" Minus Truck Load Desert Rose D. G. 3/8" Minus Truck Load

Mojave Desert, California quarry shipping bulk through Southern and Central California, supersacks shipped anywhere. This is a true decomposed granite material.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $71.99 Produced by Nevada and Arizona quarries.
Inflation Fighter Sale $59.99
Savings: $12.00
Desert Rose Decomposed Granite